Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Windows Vista Sidebar - Radio gadget

During this weekend I had to work a lot and I realized at one point that is very quiet around me. My music library is played so many times that I had the feeling that I need something new.

I opened Windows Vista Gallery looking for some entertainment. After a quick search I found exactly what i was looking for: Online Radio 2.0. The installation was piece of cake; I have clicked the download button and that’s it :)

Now, my working hours are accompanied by various music that is helping me to concentrate to my job. Sometime we need some things to fill in the missing parts of our busy life...


3rd Wave Inc said...

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Anonymous said...

Interesting article you got here. It would be great to read something more concerning that topic. The only thing I would like to see on that blog is some photos of some gizmos.
Jeff Kripke
Cell phone blocker